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Hey there!


I’m Josie (BS Physiology, CPT), and I am so glad you are here! Nourish Jo-Self was started with the hopes to summarize and filter through alllll that information we take in all day from the media/influencers and even on the news. Information is overwhelming…that’s where I come in!


Ever wonder what the best natural remedies to your brain fog or stomach aches may be? Ever wonder if you’re alone in your funk? Do you wish there was more easily accessible and scientifically backed information for women’s health?


You have questions; I do the research! That’s right. I’m a nerd. Some spend their time reading romance novels, and I read articles on the gut-brain-axis… and I want to help you feel educated and confident in your body and the decisions you make for yourself.


This page should be used like a vessel to conduct your own research. As I am absolutely not a medical professional (I have a BS in Physiology… and that’s that) a professional should always be consulted about changes in health habits or medical issues! This page is in no way a substitute for necessary medical attention... Ultimately, I’m just a girl who wants to help get that gooood info out there!


So welcome! If you have subjects that you want to feel more knowledgeable on, chances are that somebody else feels the same way… so submit a form with the topics you want to learn about regarding women’s health/ fitness/ simple nutrition/ lifestyle etc... and I'll start my research!

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